Saturday, November 19, 2011

The disappearance of jobs in America

Way back in 2006, when the recession was still fresh, I happened to be looking for a job. Suddenly, for me, nothing was working. I was not landing a job, no matter where I applied. And then I went to the employment bureau for getting trained on how to get a job. And I met the greatest idiots in America. They were training people to become zombies, forget their achievements, aspirations, and bow down to the master, your employer. Do everything your employer wants was the motto.

And I still remember the crowd in the room, a little like me, lost and wondering, why they were in that room, and in that situation. In time, it was clear that the present employers were faulty, and the good jobs were disappearing in America. It was best to find fresh grounds or form new companies where every person could live up to their god given potential, a statement American politicians make time and again.

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